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Edward Prior104 watches in EveryWatch database, from 40 auction houses

Sale Date: Most recent first
Edward Prior 46mm Silver
Edward Prior
No Estimates
Edward Prior 56mm Silver White
Edward Prior
Estimates 1.05K - 1.58K USD
Edward Prior 51mm Silver and Tortoiseshell White
Edward Prior
Estimates 453 - 679 USD
Edward Prior 62mm Silver and Tortoiseshell White
Edward Prior
Estimates 906 - 1.35K USD
Edward Prior 50mm Silver
Edward Prior
Estimates 566 - 793 USD
Edward Prior 68mm Silver
Edward Prior
No Estimates
Edward Prior 39mm Silver and Tortoiseshell White
Edward Prior
Estimates 1.26K - 1.89K USD
Edward Prior 65mm Tortoiseshell and Gilt and copper
Edward Prior
Estimates 432 - 648 USD
Edward Prior 54mm 18k yellow gold White
Edward Prior
Estimates 3.3K USD
Edward Prior 47mm Golden
Edward Prior
No Estimates
Edward Prior 37mm Yellow gold White
Edward Prior
Estimates 326 - 434 USD
Edward Prior 46mm Silver White
Edward Prior
No Estimates
Edward Prior 53mm Silver Silver
Edward Prior
No Estimates
Edward Prior 60mm Silver and Tortoiseshell White
Edward Prior
Estimates 54 - 76 USD
Edward Prior 46mm Yellow gold and Enamel
Edward Prior
Estimates 11.03K - 16.54K USD
Edward Prior 63mm Silver Enamel
Edward Prior
Estimates 160 - 320 USD
Edward Prior 55mm Silver
Edward Prior
Estimates 213 - 319 USD
Edward Prior 54.5mm Silver
Edward Prior
Estimates 426 - 639 USD
Edward Prior Silver White
Edward Prior
Estimates 319 - 426 USD
Edward Prior 22mm Silver White
Edward Prior
Estimates 1.01K - 1.52K USD
Edward Prior 43mm Gilt-metal White
Edward Prior
No Estimates
Edward Prior 63mm Silver White
Edward Prior
Estimates 636 - 890 USD
Edward Prior 44mm Gilt Copper White
Edward Prior
Estimates 547 - 766 USD
Edward Prior 60mm Gilt-metal Enamel
Edward Prior
Estimates 371 - 619 USD
Edward Prior 45mm Silver White
Edward Prior
Estimates 253 - 380 USD
Edward Prior 38.5mm Silver Enamel
Edward Prior
Estimates 221 - 386 USD
Edward Prior 54mm Silver White
Edward Prior
Estimates 994 - 1.49K USD
Edward Prior 74mm Silver White
Edward Prior
Estimates 652 USD
Edward Prior 65mm Silver White
Edward Prior
Estimates 869 USD
Edward Prior 72mm Stainless steel White
Edward Prior
Estimates 985 - 1.47K USD