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Listed : 94 Days Ago
Condition: Used (Good) The item shows visible and tangible signs of wear like scratches, scuffs, or small dents.
Year of Production: 1970
Case Size: 37mm
Case Material: -
Dial Color: Blue
Bracelet/Strap: Steel
Movement Type: Manual
Box: No
Papers: No
Location: Hungary

Sicura Joump Breitling szép állapotban

Basic Info Listing code : M94SY3 Brand : Sicura Movement : Manual winding Bracelet material : Steel Year of production : 1970 (Approximation) Condition : Used (Good) Scope of delivery : No original box, no original papers Gender : Men's watch/Unisex Location : Hungary, kADARKÚT Price : Ft125,000 Availability : Item is in stock Caliber Movement : Manual winding Case Case diameter : 37 x 42 mm Dial : Blue Bracelet/strap Bracelet material : Steel Bracelet color : Steel Sicura Joump Breitling szép állapotba. Fém szíjjal + Nátó szíjjal Szervizelt állapotban Sicura Jump Breitling szép állapotban Bizonyára nem gondolnátok, hogy a világ egyik legnagyobb óragyártó manufaktúrájának is voltak igazán nehéz szakaszai. Az 1970-es években annyira komoly anyagi problémákkal küszködött a cég, hogy kénytelenek voltak teljes csődöt jelenteni és minden védjegyet ( beleértve a magát a Breitling márkát és a Navitimert is), kénytelenek voltak eladni a egy konkurens óra manufaktúrának és ez nem volt más, mint a Sicura. A Sicura akkoriban a közép kategóriás kronográf és búvár óráiról volt hír Description You probably wouldn't think that one of the world's largest watch manufacturers had really difficult times. In the 1970s, the company struggled with such serious financial problems that they were forced to declare complete bankruptcy and sell all trademarks (including the Breitling brand itself and Navitimer) to a competing watch manufacturer and this was none other than Sicura. At that time, Sicura was famous for its mid-range chronograph and diving watches. Fortunately, over time, they managed to overcome the financial crisis and raise the company to incredible heights. Despite the fact that Breitling is not part of the three largest watch companies (Richemont, Swatch, LVMH), it continues to advance in the market, dazzling us with new and great products.

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